• 01 Selecting the exchange direction
  • 02 Details input
  • 03 Making a transfer
  • 04 Completion of the exchange

Exchange could be 3-30 min in workinh hours

Exchange BUSD (Binance USD) - Visa/MasterCard KZT
You will pay
min 109.1571
max 2183.1428
BUSD (Binance USD)
You will get
Resourses: 87 140 521.02
Visa/MasterCard KZT
At the rate of: 1 BUSD = 458.05524 CARDKZT
To pay: 1 000 BUSD
Fee: BUSD (0%) 1 000 BUSD
You will get 458 055.24 CARDKZT
Light mode